Orem Water Reclamation Facility Upgrades
Mass and structural excavation and utility work for large sewer treatment renovation. Scope included mass excavation of 46,000 cubic yards of dirt, structural excavation for Bio-Reactor, Digester, Clarifier, and Thermophilic buildings, and grading for 91,000 square feet of asphalt and concrete paving.
Summerlane at The North District
35 Building Multi-Family Residential Community. Our scope of work included all mass excavation, underground utility mainlines and laterals, concrete/asphalt grade and installation, structural excavations (including over-excavation and compaction of collapsible soils), utility connections, final grades.
Jordan Heights
25 Single Family Lot Sub-Division. Scope includes mass excavation (15,000 yards), underground utility mainlines and laterals, concrete/asphalt grade and installation, street lights, and city signage.
Taylor Acres Storm Drain Project
Bonded Municipal Project consisting of the installation of 1485 lineal feet of 12” and 15” RCP storm drain pipe and associated storm drain structures. The new storm drain line was installed in existing street for which our scope of work included street cutting, demolition of asphalt/concrete, and repair of street and curb/gutter.
Pheasant Hollow Commercial Building
Site Development and Structural Excavation for 28,000 square foot commercial building. Our scope of work included mass excavation (6000 cubic yards of cut and fill), underground utility systems, utility lateral connections, site grading for concrete flatwork and curb/gutter, subgrade prep for asphalt, structural excavation and backfill, and site SWPPP.
Terra Sol Sub-Division
Development of new 64 lot single family sub-division. Our scope of work included all mass-excavation (3200 cubic yards of import), all underground utilities, dry utility conduit installation, site grading, concrete and asphalt grading, curb and gutter installation, sidewalk installation, asphalt road installation, and site SWPPP.
Holland Park
26 Single Family Lot Sub-Division in South Jordan. Scope includes demolition of existing homes and structures, earthwork, underground utility mainlines and laterals, concrete/asphalt grade and installation, street lights, and city signage.
Kamas West Phase II
A turn-key (start to finish, all inclusive) 9 Single Family Lot Sub-Division in Kamas, UT. The scope includes the installation of a form-in-place box culvert to cross an creek (including creek bypass during construction), 8000 yards of site cuts and fills, underground utility mainlines and laterals, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalk, roadway asphalt, and all other items (signage, striping, lights, etc.) to complete the subdivision.
SR-92, Lehi to Highland
Relocation of 380 lineal feet of 30” sewer mainline and 1030 lineal feet of 18” sewer mainline and associated sewer structures. Project required us to bypass the sewer mainline during the duration of the project for which we used two 4” and two 8” sewer pumps running 24 hours each day.
Timpanogos NICU Addition
Site Development and Structural Excavation for the expansion of the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at the Timpanogos Regional Hospital. Project consisted of the demolition of existing parking lot, over-excavation and compaction of building pad, installation of two Stormtech SC-740 systems, all underground utilities and utility connections, structural excavation and backfill, site grading, concrete grading, sub-grading for asphalt, and site SWPPP.
Promenade at The District
Development of a new 25 building, 169 unit multi-family residential community. Our scope of work included all mass excavation and grubbing, underground utility mainlines, dry utility conduit installation, site grading, concrete prep for sidewalk and curb/gutter, installation of sidewalk and curb/gutter, sub-grade and finish grade for asphalt installation, asphalt paving installation, full structural excavation package (including utility connections and over-excavation and compaction of building pads) and site SWPPP.
Sunflower Crossing
Development of a new 29 lot single family residential sub-division. Our scope of work included all surface grubbing and mass excavation, all underground utility mainlines, site grading, concrete prep for sidewalk and curb/gutter, installation of sidewalk and curb/gutter, sub-grade and finish grade for asphalt installation, asphalt paving installation, and site SWPPP.
The Cottages Phase II and III
Turn-key development of a new 17 lot single family residential sub-division. Scope included grubbing and mass excavation, underground utility mainlines and laterals, concrete/asphalt grade and installation, street lights, city signage, and all SWPPP applications.